Sunday, June 19, 2022

 💕One kind word can warm 💕

three winter months 

We have another cold winter day here, with the occasional speck of sunshine peaking out from behind the clouds.We pray for cool weather while we struggle through the last throws of our summer; it is that way every year. 😅

This last week or so I have been knitting in chunky yarns, not something I really like because it stains my hands. Every now and then it is alright knit to with. I really love the texture of chunky yarns and the fact it knits up very fast. Here I have made a woolly hat and scarf set, ready to sell at the markets. The colour is called apricot, it is very pretty.

Not able to throw any left over yarn out, there was just enough to crochet a little girl's headband. The girls at school love the winter because they can buy one off me and they do look smart.

I had to look twice here, but look what has popped up in our lawn.

         At work I had time to quickly have a photo taken for a school post on Facebook and then back to covering hundreds of books. One of my work mates commented that I look a little dangerous with those scissors. What does she mean? 😂😁😂😁

Due to popular demand in my community, I have knitted more baby items in this colour. All the huge whites, oatmeal, camel colours are being asked for, so Heather the feather and I are knitting madly to meet demand.

And here we have Frank. If you leave any shopping bags on the ground he's straight into them. The look on his face is priceless. I'm not sure if he thinks he's helping or not.

One minute he is the helper, to.....being a big cry baby and having to sleep on my legs in the lounge room.
I don't mean to laugh at Frank or give him a complex but honestly, get a load of all that fur sticking out of his toes!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂 I haven't had pet cats in over 30 years, so is all that fur really normal? I look at that photo and keep thinking it looks like an angry man face.😂😂😂 I've seen those fluffy looking bantam hens that have feathers sticking out like that!!!!😂😂😂😂
Here is our kind of normal pet.....Milo. That's very complimentary to say that about Milo because you've all seen photos and comments about him in the past. lol Now in this photo Milo is being a statue because he has spotted a mouse that he intends to bite.

So my friends, now that I've filled you all in on my week, it is time for me to do a bit of catch up around the house. I went out with my Ag Society friends yesterday to fill a trailer load of wood for our wood raffle next weekend. It's always fun to catch up with this amazing group of friends. I love catching up with you all in blog land as well. I love seeing what you all get up to with your lives and your craft work.

Ciao, Anita.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

 Winter is the time for comfort, for good food, and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk near the warm fire: it is the time for home. ☕⛅💞 

Hello lovely friends! I welcome you to my blog, we may be in the throws of our cold winter, but there is warmth right here, so stay a while. With my slow mending pinky finger, I have been plowing through lots of commissioned crochet and knitting orders. Though the broken tendon had held me up, but not entirely halted my hobby.......I have now gone wild again. 😂 

Come with me and I'll show you what I've been up to.....✈✈✈ 

🌷 In the town I live there seems to have been several premature births, and the little mitts I have been knitting have reminded me how precious life is. These little pink and white pair are about five seconds big, they fit on a small geranium leaf. It is incredible.

Actually......😅...there seems to be lots of babies being born in our town right now. Perhaps due to people staying home more at the moment? 👀😄 Heather and I are both knitting like wild things to restock our stall at the markets. And the markets!!!!! that just went crazy last weekend. 

This little jacket and boot set is knitted in a preferred colour in our area right now. The neutrals, oatmeal, huge whites are our biggest requests. I do like making things in these colours but I am happiest when I can get my hands back on to the bright colours.

I love the little pattern that runs down the raglan sleeve. 
It's just a bit different and adds a nice touch.

Oh and I forgot......there are twins happening as well. What's actually going on? 😂😂
Talking about colour, here it comes. 🍑🍇🍏🍒🍋🍍  

Besides doing commissioned works, we also donate to our community. I will tell you a funny story and if you are a visual person as I am, you will understand this.
So, I roll up at our PCYC centre to attend a circuit workout class. I spot our wonderful instructor Rachel, and I notice something very strange sitting right next to her. 
😮...(I mean..that's not normal right?)
So, very carefully I walked by her, one of my eyes focused on my instructor and my other eye is watching where I'm walking. Phew, I am asked if I could possibly make the dolly some clothes. I was very relieved. The dolly belongs to our local Toy library place. lol. Dolly is happy now.

I hope the little ones have fun dressing the two dolls in their clothes. It is so important that children have resources to learn and create.
The colour train is still rolling on with this cute coloured sweater that I am working on. This is actually the project I have been wanting to make since I walked into a shop and saw a similar sweater. It seems that granny square clothing has made a come back and I'm so happy. It looks amazing on children, and the adults seem to be enjoying it too.


 Below, is the cuff I have started on. The colours are crazy cute! They make me feel very happy, even though I'm more the autumn tone girl, any bright and happy colours make me feel warm.

My amazing niece was re homing an archway and of course, I see potential in everything, so it's at my house now. I'm thinking a grapevine would be nice growing up this. What do you reckon?
During our hot, never ending summer we have come out of, I decided to get an early start on planting shrubs in the yard. This weekend I purchased three grevillea bushes and hopefully they will get enough time to at least establish themselves in the garden. Hopefully Milo doesn't trample them. lol did this yarn get here? Another recent purchase perhaps? 😇😇😇

It's time for me to go and spread some catnip seeds into pots for the lovely Frank to enjoy (when it grows). Have a beautiful weekend.
Ciao, Anita. 🐱🐶



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