Sunday, November 21, 2021

🌿Live in the sunshine,
swim in the sea,
drink the wild air.🍀
-Ralph Waldo Emerson 
Buongiorno 💕  I welcome you warmly to my post this morning, as you can see I have been busy this week with my knitting and crocheting. I thought I would be greedy and do both. 😂
I kicked off with knitting some cute little baby boots and then it snow balled from there. I noticed that Heather the feather and I had started to run low on baby boots, woolly hats, and cardigans, to we had to remedy that problem. lol

Once the boots were made then came the cardigan to go with it. People love buying sets. Having Italian blood running through my veins, I will try my luck with things, so my baby set is knitting and crochet mixed together.
Check out this edging. It is a picot edge.

The end result.
Talking about is another one. This lacy set has been knitted in a cotton yarn, all ready for summer wear. I have discovered something interesting while making this set. 
The pattern is a vintage pattern. So when the top was completed, and made up so nicely, I decided to continue on with the pilchers. To my surprise the pilchers started to look a little big for me. I continued on regardless, and when I'd finished stitching them up.....😅...I realised the pilchers were big because in the olden days there were such things as cloth nappies!! The disposable nappies these days are much smaller than cloth. I will be mindful of this next time I want to knit up a vintage pattern.

I loved the crocheted top so much that I made it again in pink tones. This is an unusual crochet pattern and I do believe it has become a favourite for me. I still need to add the little tie but it's a bit of an effort for me as I am with stitching buttons on to things. lol

A bit of an update on my little babies in the garden. There are two little chicks in the nest still but I didn't want to disturb them to get a photo of both. Milo hasn't been able to get to them as I have barricaded the area to keep him out.
 My week was full of activity too. I absolutely love the boxing and my boxing partner Raewyn is becoming very strong with her punching.
My group of hikers have completed the Kep Track. We did the last 20km last Sunday and, though the day was 34C, the wind came along with us. The hike was such a great idea, and the lady standing behind me is to be congratulated for organising the event.
We all learned about each other, learned about hiking, nature and the discoveries and laughter along the way was priceless. So good for our bodies and mental health. Thank you ladies. 😘
I now leave you to get on to those jobs that need doing and before the heat marches in. Enjoy your weekend.
Ciao, Anita.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Do what makes you happY  😁 be with those who make you smile 😊   laugh as much as you breathe 😂  love as long as you live 😘

Well hello there! I spy a little head hiding in my geranium plant. Who is this? 👀❓

A closer look and I find...... 💖💖
Oh I see.......🌸
I happened to notice a little honey eater bird hanging around our water tank that is situated close to our house. I'm so glad I decided to investigate what was going on. This tiny little face watched my every move as I approached her nest and because Milo has been known to devour tiny little morsels (before I could get to him), I have barricaded an area around the nest so he can't get to the chicks when they hatch. I'm very keen for this little chapter to unfold.
Apart from being blessed with this precious find, the past few weeks have been very productive for me. I have set aside Monday's for making new stock for selling and this little bag is one of the first projects completed.

I have sewn a cute little girls bag using bright scraps of fabrics and the feeling of achievement to have used them for a purpose instead of throwing away is satisfying.


 Our supply of baby boots had all but diminished, so I thought I'd better get a move on to make some. Both Heather the feather, and I have realized that people always seem to want sets of baby things, so along with the boots come the short sleeve top.

I couldn't wait to gets my hands on this yarn!!!!!     
 I had to select a project that wasn't too big in case I ran out of yarn, which I do often and get very annoyed with myself. 😅
The woolly hat fits a small to medium head and the poncho would fit up to two year old. I am so happy with the finished outfit. 

Not forgetting how the knitting needles feel to use, I have once again made one of my favourite patterned baby tops. I did use a different stitch though. I found a stitch called "Peacock stitch" and decided to give it a go. It makes all these little holes and is very cute.
Here is the big show off who always has to be the centre of  attention.  Milo will do anything to have people look at him, pat him and throw that heavy monster of a ball.
He pulls out all the tricks in the book.
This little pattern was found on You tube, so I thought I would give it a try. It looks great on someone, but it does look a bit odd just sitting there. lol It did give me a chance to use more small balls of left over colours of yarn. All I need is to put on those buttons.
With our weather getting warmer, I have tried to tidy up the garden. Here in Australia it is best to clear as much of the weeds away so you can so you can see what might be in your garden. 🐍🐍
I have been waiting to see what the flowers will look like on this bush and now the wait is over. I don't know what the bush is called but I love it.
So what else have I been up to lately? 😂 Certainly not acting like a grown up. That idea can jog off. lol We had Book Week at school and the staff all dressed up in Mem Fox theme. I was the fox from the book Hattie and the fox.
We also got a good flogging at the gym from our instructor Rachel. My head almost looks like it has a halo around it. Find me in the photo. lol

Well ladies, I leave you now to prepare our dinner. I hope you have all enjoyed catching up with me today and I send you all good wishes.
Ciao, Anita.


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