Sunday, June 28, 2020

'In the depth of winter I finally learned
 that there was in me an invincible summer.'
Good morning lovely people and hello winter! We are waking up to amazing grey clouds with the sun peaking through to say hello, I am still here. Finally the rain has come and we are sending prayers that Mother Nature will send the rain to our beautiful farmers who so need the paddocks soaked with water.
I took a few snap shots from my front yard.💖
 I love how this part of the garden always makes me feel happy.  Green, white & red.
 As I was standing outside this morning admiring the array of grey tones in the sky, the birds were going crazy. Flying by and overhead, non stop. I was quick enough to catch a photo of this little cute bird. And then he was off.
 Aside from the beauty of nature during winter comes the best excuse reason to keep spending heaps of time knitting and crocheting. Heather the feather gave me a rather interesting colored ball of yarn. The colors of the winter months all joined together, so what better plan to knit it into woolly hat, mitts and ear warmers.
 In fact, I loved the ear warmers so much that I made more. I found the pattern on the internet somewhere.😂 It is such an easy pattern to crochet.
 I discovered a new brand of yarn to knit with, the Birch brand. I don't know if any of you have used it before but I'm about to find out how it works. 🙏
 I was very lucky this week because I came across a simple, quick boot pattern for a new born baby. I used 8 ply, 4mm needles to make these cute boots. I am now making a woolly hat to go with them. Some one will love these when they are finished.
 Actually, to be honest, I had a pretty good week last week. I like taking some quiet time to reflect on positive things that have happened to me, it balances your mind.

I bet you could do the same thing. All those little things add up and outweigh the negative. For me, the restrictions from Corona virus have lifted so much, I met up with my crazy bunch of Ag Society friends, had afternoon tea with Heather the feather, found some amazing patterns and also found this beautiful warm blanket at the Op shop for $5.00!! I am blessed 💝

 Well beautiful friends (see, another positive), I'm off to do some jobs......I have to actually get dressed first. lol I hope you all have an amazing Sunday, stay safe and happy. See you all next time.
Arrivederci!  Anita 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Never give up because great things take time.
 Well good morning my friends 💖 Go grab yourself a lovely hot cup of coffee, some nice toast, and join me. I promised you that the next post I would share my newest creations with you, and here they are. I can't tell you enough at how happy I am with both of the sets made for two very lucky little children. 

The fox set consists of 1 scarf, woolly hat and mitts. I have no pattern but just looked around the internet for ideas. 😂 It is wonderful to somehow have the talent to be able to make things from photos and have success in the end product. There is a drawback to this though. Months down the track some one might ask me to make the same thing........😳......I can never remember exactly what I did. lol

Here is the little horse set that also consists of scarf, mitts and woolly hat. This set is for the older sister who is six years old. I enjoyed both of these projects and I'm full of joy for the little ones who will wear it. I remember how excited my boys were to receive these sorts of things as little children.

So I hope you love these as much as I do. I still have many commissioned projects to get through but none are finished, so to show them now would spoil my joy. I have come across this cute little head band pattern and have been making several of them. Very easy, very cute.
Today I am going out to my favourite farm people on their beautiful farm to collect rocks from the paddock. I want to continue a pathway behind my sewing shed to stop Milo from digging under the fence. He is so naughty. lol 

I have been spending lots of time in the garden lately, trying to revamp and replant after a harsh summer. Three of my big established native bushes have withered and died from the heat this last summer. At the moment we don't have a nursery in town so I can only go to other towns or the metro area to buy plants.
Have a wonderful weekend lovely people. Beaming you love and happiness wherever you are.
Ciao, Anita. 🍀🍙🍅

Sunday, June 7, 2020

🌻 Benvenuti🌻
 Entri come amici
Vada come famiglia
👫Enter as friends ; leave as family 👪
Well hello there! It is so lovely to finally be able to blog. I have had a few interruptions (as we all have) to the normal daily life. Here in the part of the world I live, our winter weather has started and so begins the orders for winter items. 

Due to the situation of the corona virus, we have been unable to hold our monthly markets, but that did not hinder people wanting their winter accessories made. I am happy about that. I have  been working away at this order for two little boys who love Star Wars. 
 I have given you a close up photo to show you the Storm Trooper faces. lol The thing I love the most about knitting is that you will not see another set like this walking around town. It is one of a kind. Probably to many women, this is something we all do not like going to an event or social gathering and someone else is wearing the same thing you are.😂😂 I am like this. Are you??
 As we all slowly start to return to routine, I find I have a few new ideas to live by. Before the disruption of the virus, I had already started to make decisions that what ever I add to the garden would have to be of value. Not just 'pretty' to look at but something of food value. Vegetables, fruit, herbs....etc. I had already purchased a lemon tree, olive tree, passion fruit and a peach tree. I will still have petunias in hanging baskets or containers and add pretty things in the containers I already have because I love colour.
Now I have planted garden peas and basil. I also have a  packet of Italian parsley seeds to plant, so I intend to crank up the vegetable growing. Space has been an issue as my yard was always a play yard for my boys and then as they grew, it always seemed that there was never enough time to plant a vegetable garden. But, after this pandemic I have decided to really put things into perspective.
I am still working on the pathway and as my garden grows, so will the pathway.

This is a short post as I have a few orders to finish off. I have some pretty projects to show you all next post. Typically, I have been lazy in sewing on buttons and stitching things up 😊😊😊
Ciao to you all!!!!!


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