Monday, May 24, 2021


Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.

Marcus Aurelius


Hello there lovely people 😎. So many things have happened since I posted last, and I just can't believe it. My youngest son and his girlfriend have made the move to the city and will experience all that comes with living away from home. I wish them all the best in the world and I know it will be amazing for them. I do miss them dearly but would never hold them back.

I have been crocheting like a wild woman, getting orders completed, making a start on my show entries and making gifts for babies. I found this pretty baby jacket on You tube and thought I would have a go at making it. I love You tube.

I've actually made heaps of beautiful things and when I've finished making all the commissioned items, I love nothing more than having free time to make whatever I want to. One of my favourite things are the circular crocheted vests. The one below has been made for the markets and I had some of the colour left over so I made a cute little beanie to match.

I am continuing to add to my poncho collection and this cute little number below is still in the making. I need to add a tie and tassels and it's done.

I have been very successful lately on our local Buy and sell Facebook page. I managed to pick up some cement garden edging for $60 and here I've made a start in the garden to include them. I still have to re-arrange the brickwork now but that will be an on going project.

I also was lucky to pick this amazing bird bath up for only $50 and it is very heavy.....and one of the nicest bird baths I have seen in a long time. It was on the Facebook page for 13 minutes when I snapped it up. By the time I got to the sellers house they told me they had received so many messages from people wanting to buy it. How cool.
At work I have received over 700 little reading books that I need to catalogue and cover. Volunteers have come to help me with getting the books done quickly. Here we have the lovely Neville and Chris helping me with the covering of the books. Thanks you guys, you're just gorgeous.

On Saturday I babysat my great niece and nephews, but before I left home Mr Balloon decided to fly over and be all beautiful. 💓
So, as it is after 10pm, I think I'd better think about settling down for the night and getting some sleep. Thanks for dropping by and visiting me here. Peace be with you. 😇

Ciao, Anita.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

🌷 Happy Mother’s Day🌷

 Hello lovely people!! We are celebrating Mother's Day today so I send love to all those mother's out there and truly hope you enjoy today. I believe mother's should be appreciated whatever day it is but since we have a dedicated gives me every reason to sit here all day and knit...without any grief from anyone 😂😂.

What have I been up to lately?  

 I completed an order for a christening set and this actually made me very excited because it has been a very long time since I have heard of a christening taking place. Not just due to covid but truly, a long time that a christening has happened. This set has been knitted in an 8 ply yarn, I used the instructions from a book but added a pattern of my choice because it looked nicer, I like it just so.

There was a little problem finding the yarn, so in the meantime I started knitting the christening set in a darker case we couldn't find the lighter shade of yarn. 
So the difference with this set is that the instructions ended the lacy part of the jacket an inch and a half lower from the armhole. I didn't like this so much once I'd finished, so I changed it when I knitted the set again. It still looks lovely though.

I had an amazing win last week. I scooped these cement garden edgers up for little dollars. 

These eight segments make a perfect circle shape and I hope to have them set up in the garden today. Fingers crossed.

Last night I had a crochet night and stayed up til crazy hours. I finished this little beauty of a poncho. I still have to make 2 tassels and it's done. For the top of the poncho I made several small granny squares and this gave me the chance to use up small lengths of leftover yarn. I then continued in the round using big splashes of colour to make this bright beauty.

Yesterday I was on  Aunt duties and looked after 4 children......loved it! But then in the afternoon I took off to join my group of crazy friends for a clean up at the pavilion. In true form, after the tidy up and preparations for our Poultry auction, the dress up happens. 
The dress up is a reward for all the hard work in tidying up the shed. lol I look like a little gypsy, my friends - they look funny. Love them.

I am leaving you all for now and off to enjoy my mother's day. Have an amazing weekend, and thank you all for stopping by my blog. 

Ciao, Anita.


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