It's not about how big the house is,
it's about how happy the home is. 
So Good Morning
beautiful people, and as you can see I am up to no good. I am in the middle of
an evil, funny plan to get even with a certain few friends. I am not alone in this project...I have a pack of scurvy mates helping me. I will share my photos of the pay back in a few weeks time.
Stay tuned.
When you know how to sew and create your own pay is the best feeling.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 In my last
In my last post I was showing you some little crocheted squares I had made. Here they are incorporated in this cute little girl poncho. I got the idea from, where else, but Pinterest. I don't have a pattern to make this but I just looked at the photo and did a rough estimate in the stitches. And here we are.
I have been a little lazy lately in making things and I need to get a wiggle on and start sewing for the markets. But at night time I like to either knit or crochet. The pink doll and her blanket have been my latest night time project.
The more I look at the blanket though, the more I think that if I made a head, arms and ears....that this blanket could turn into a bunny comfort blanket. We'll see what happens hey?
So I always hold on to faith, and I have decided to give Milo another chance at having access to the side of our house. I had one of my sons take down the gate that we had put in place to keep Milo out of this area. He had a bad habit of staring through the window and creeping everyone out. His other trick would be to start crying at the window for attention. Don't be fooled my friends.....Milo gets 24/7 attention and that doesn't appear to be enough for him.
Today I will leave you all early because my husband is celebrating his birthday 🍰 and that means: coffee served in bed ; a cooked breakfast; he doesn't have to do any dishes; he gets coffee all day and also lunch made for him and at night time, we always have an ice cream cake.
Sounds horrible for me right? Yes...but when it's my birthday...I get the same. 👍👍👍
Well dear friends, it's time to roll. I'm hoping your day is filled with gorgeous things and you don't have to make coffee all day, cook a
Ciao, Anita.