Sunday, October 12, 2014

The holidays are over.

By the light of
the moon
The moon was showing off this week with its beautiful colourings. We had a blood moon on Thursday night....

Cory is an excellent photographer and actually took these shots of the moon. All you would’ve seen of my photography efforts was fuzz. The next night this beautiful display....

It took about half an hour before the moon changed back to its normal glory. Mother nature has much beauty.
It’s back to work tomorrow and my last dash in the sewing shed this week has been very productive. Here we go.....time to share.
Some cute little owls with beaded eyes and super sweet fabrics.

Who who!!

These will be sold at the tourist centre here in town.
Baby knitting is always a favourite for me...a little beanie on the go.

Yay for youtube! I crocheted this cute little flower and will add it to the headbands I am also knitting.

A little while back I shared my new fabrics with you and had a secret project on the go. Here it is now.....

               Sweet little bag

 Shae’s bag.

 Shae is my little niece who is a real girly girl and is always eyeing off my ruffled bag. Now she has one of her own.

A visitor to our yard during the week...Mr Bobtail. 

There was a commotion up in the chook yard so I went to investigate. Yep...there was Mr Bobtail trying to get at our 3 baby chicks. Mother hen was fluffed up and going around in circles trying to peck him. It was a funny sight, Mother hen who usually tries to peck me if I come anywhere near her chicks was standing near my foot with me, trying to keep Mr Bobtail away. I caught him and took him down near the river where there are big rocks to bask in the sun on.

Commissioned – one peg apron for a friend. I loosely followed this pattern and made this very handy peg bag. It turned out pretty well I thought.

Well guys, I’m off to start on the washing, ironing and house work. Yeh I know, very boring. But it’s back to the grind stone of a normal working week so I best be in front than behind.
See you next weekend with more show and tell. Have a great week.

      R.I.P Ray Head
           A wonderful man has gone to heaven.



JoJo said...

Is Mr. Bobtail a snake or lizard?? You are braver than I am.

We didn't get to see the eclipse due to bad weather. Those are stunning photos!

Fiona said...

always lots to see at your place.... keeping yourself entertained....

Maria said...

Thanks for the eclipse photos. It was overcast here.

Gorgeous colourful owls ......

Kim said...

Lots of pretties to see in this post. Love that pretty bag. 'Your' moon was looking mighty fine down here, too.

Narelle said...

Lots of cuteness ... perhaps even Mr Bobtail.
Your little frilly bag will be adored I'm sure :)

Jane said...

What fantastic photos of the moon, we were in the wrong place to see it. Love the owls

Meredith said...

Your moon pictures are gorgeous and everything you made is just perfect. I am impressed you caught that beast, I would not have gone near him.

Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

You are certainly keeping your self very busy...I love the pic of Mr Bobtail

Seams Sew Together said...

What gorgeous photos of the moon Anita, cute ruffle bag I'm sure your niece will enjoy it, Love your peg bag, I had a peg bag apron loved it, till it fell part, must get around to making another, you have reminded me.

Michelle said...

We couldn't see the eclipse but they are terrific photos.
Isn't youtube great for learning new things I've learnt how to build rock walls, bleed brakes and knit all from youtube.

Katherine said...

Great photos of the eclipse Anita. Love the owls and the bag too. Some lovely knitting too. Love that little flower too.


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