Monday, January 17, 2022

 You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you  are and change the ending.   

                                                                               -  C S Lewis


Well hello there you lovely people. How are you all going?  I'm very sure I've gone bag crazy! 😂💫 Even though our weather has been mostly in the 40C temperature, I have been out in my sewing shed, pressing the accelerator on fast speed and sewing up all these cute little bags.  I've loved it. I'm trying to build up my stock for the Visitor Centre and also for the markets that start up again in February.

I have so much lovely fabric stored away that I really need to put that crochet hook and knitting needle down and sew some more. I now don't work on a Monday or a Friday, due to hours being reshuffled at work. Same hours but all crammed into three days. That's fine for me, so those two days are now dedicated to producing some lovely creations.
My oldest son Brandon and I have made a new vegetable growing area. I have tomatoes growing at the moment and they're positioned in full sunlight. This new area is in filtered sunlight under a tree. I purchased three heavy plastic raised garden beds. I have to admit, I do not like plastic at all. The world is full of too much plastic. On the flip side though, I really love how these raised beds fit in this small area and the sunlight will get to the vegetables as they grow.

My latest project is........another bag. This time I have crocheted the bag. Finally I'm getting through those little lengths of yarn and feeling very pleased that I found a purpose for that little piece of yarn. Yes, I've let you into the mind of a crazy woman. 😄
I still have to line the bag with a pretty fabric and find an idea to be able to close the bag.
Now for something a little different....these little crocheted baby swing tops. I didn't actually have a pattern for these but I did just zoom in on the photo on the internet to guess how the pattern may have gone. They seemed to have turned out just fine. I've used cotton yarns and 8ply and 4 ply, and simply went for it. The element of surprise in how big or small it would turn out was fun. lol

Of course, I always have enough time to knit a little pair of woolly boots for babies. That is like a therapy for me.

Talking of therapy, I'm about to take off to go back into my sewing shed to continue with my projects and making more goods. Everyone take care of yourselves both in body and soul. I've been having a little peek around your blogs too and you have all been making some very pretty things yourself! Thank you for your lovely blogs, I love visiting you all. 💖

Ciao, Anita.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

🎉 Welcome 🎇

Buon Anno a tutti! Happy New Year everyone! 

Hello there to all my lovely friends. I'm looking forward to this new year and for all the good things it may hold for us. I suppose last year was full of ups and downs but in reality, every year does. 😄 We had an amazing Christmas and we even were blessed to have some family members come around to celebrate with us. Heather the feather dropped by for a while too, but she's considered family anyway and it was nice to see her.💕

Well, I've fallen in love with the pretty cotton dress patterns that I've found on Pinterest and in particular, this one pattern that I have repeated many times. I enjoy the pattern, it is easy and so pretty. I have now found another pattern that is becoming a favourite, and that would be the dress in the darkest yarn in the photos.

What do you think about the cute little sandals hey? I had a tiny bit of cotton left over and by chance (scrolling through Pinterest 😂), came across this sandal pattern. So I have found a nice little set to crochet and sell at the markets.

My dress collection is growing and when we go back to the markets in February, I will certainly have some beautiful creations to sell to our community. I hope they are received well. I'm sure they will be. The middle dress in the photo is a slightly different pattern that has a ruffled short sleeve to it. 

I am surprised at the cost of cotton yarn though. Getting it when it's on special is the best way to go for profit but it's getting to the city at the right time. Our craft shop has closed down in our town and there is no other craft shop 😓.

   This poncho is much more pretty and interesting in the flesh than in this photo. It is an unusual soft yarn that is varied in colour and so so soft. I will be adding a contrasting colour for the tie and the edging. Perhaps a yellow or orange shade.

  Milo......big savage hunting dog......😆😂😆

Now, do you like this simple, knitted baby romper? I made this using no pattern. I'm becoming an expert at looking at photos on the net and counting stitches and giving it a try. I'm always trying to save the dollar, so if I just take a chance to see how good my copying skills are and it works.....then I'm going for it.  lol

This blue baby jacket is another one of those guessing the stitches from a photo, I'm so naughty. But one thing I did do was the crab stitch around the edges. That was my addition. I rather like to look it gives to the finished item.

A friend of our family is having a baby this year and I've started making some cute things for the baby. They already know they're having a baby boy so I'm on to it. There last name is Brown so I thought I'd go with the brown tones for the baby. I know I will have such fun making gifts for this little fellow. Come on now, no comments about the lack of buttons. lol You all know how I am with the buttons. 

Now it's time for me to get some lunch, or to bother some one in this house hold. They are both things I love to do, eat and bother people. lol Looking forward to visiting your blogs soon.

Ciao, Anita. 🌷


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