🌷 Showtime is over 🌷
I made this bag and entered it in the Craft work section. The pattern was something I saw on Youtube and really loved the texture and design. It won first prize and will go with me to the markets to sell.
I had fun testing my crochet skills with these two little cute baby jackets. They didn't win any prizes but it was good to get more practice in crochet.
Now this beauty did win 1st prize and I have to say, I really love it. I loved making it, the colour is super and the feel of it as it was made was so soft.
I'm loving old Youtube, honestly, I have found so many interesting patterns that by reading a pattern, I would never have understood what to do. Below are a couple of woolly hats, they were fun to knit. I love the smocked look on the pink hat and the bobbled hat was fun to make purely because I loved the feel of the yarn. I know, crazy hey!!
So here is the old gym gang at our coffee get together. We decided to meet at an old pub in town that had been closed for about 20 years and Esther (grey and black striped top and standing to the left of me in this photo) and her husband have been renovating the pub for about four years. Finally it is open as a coffee, eatery, alcohol beverages and a gathering place. It is fabulous.
Oh Lord, that grin!
Well my precious friends, I am off now to catch up on so much house work it isn't funny anymore. The last two weeks, build up to the show has just been crazy. I have also judged in the Needlework section in a neighbouring town for their show. I was honoured once again to be asked to judge at their show. I would love to hear from anyone in regards to ideas on how to encourage people to enter their works in to the show. I am almost at the end of my ideas and would love to hear from you.
Ciao, Anita. 🌻