When you come out of the storm,
you won’t be the same person that
walked in. That’s what the storm
is all about.
Hello all you lovely people! I’ve been busy lately and I thought I better pull myself into
gear and do some blogging. 💓 There has been so much going on in all parts of my life
that it's taken a while to catch up with things and I think I've finally done that.
Last weekend I held a stall at the local Poultry Auction and the whole weekend was
taken up with our Ag Society meeting, cleaning the pavilion in preparation of the Poultry
Auction and then Sunday was the auction itself and this is where Heather and I held our
stall. It was an amazing weekend catching up with the community whilst observing the
distancing rules that still apply in the Covid times.
Through all the busy days I have continued to make new items for the markets and I'd
love to share them with you. Heather and I realised we don't have much in the way of
woolly hats for women so we're busy making more of those and also little baby mitts.
Part way through last week I was in one of my crazy, I’m as silly as a monkey...so I
decided to crochet a baby cocoon and hat, that looks like a bee. I’m quite sure I got
in this mood after Heather had been hanging around with me. 🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯

One of our local football clubs will be holding a Bogan Bingo night in a few weeks
time and I have offered to make some raffle prizes or door gifts if they would
like them. So I thought I would make a start on this cute flower cushion. This is
a free pattern on the net and it's a really nice pattern to crochet. I will show
and tell when I finish it.
Today is one of those cold winter days, so now that the outside jobs are done I'm
staying right inside. This big square terracotta pot you see in the photo
was gifted to me. It was from a lady selling items over Facebook and when I messaged
her about buying this she said sorry it’s sold. I asked her if anything should happen and
that person doesn’t buy it, could I please be next in line. The lady messaged me the next
day and told me to come out to her. I was over the moon and went straight out to her
Once there I got the shock of my life. The lady told me I can have it no cost!!!!👀👀👀👀
She was so annoyed at two ladies that had both been interested in the pot. One lady said
she would buy it but would have to get someone to help shift it, the second lady who came
after the first lady said oh it's heavy but she would've liked it. So the second lady leaves,
the first lady says ok I'm going now and the buyer says 'hang on, you said you were going
to buy it', The first lady turned around and said oh no, I just didn't want that lady to have
it, I don't want it. 😵😵😵😵 So the buyer said to me I could just have it.
A beautiful citrus or fruit tree is going in this pot and I will always look at that pot and be
reminded of that lovely lady who gave it to mel
My petunia's are growing happily in the hanging baskets, I'm pleased the snails don't seem
to be able to get at them. lol
🌷A walk in my garden 🌸
....and my beautiful peas. 💕
Just look at that face.
Well my little petals, Sunday is coming to a close and I'd better scuttle on and get a
few jobs done before it is time to get the evening meal ready. I hope everyone is doing
well and in good health. A beautiful week ahead for you all.
Ciao, Anita.