Sunday, January 29, 2017

 You're never too far away because
I know we're close in hearts
A lovely Sunday morning to you all! We are having a nice drop of rain in my part of the world right now and you pretty much would know that Aussies love seeing the rain because we don't see it very often.

Well I survived going back to work after our long summer break and once I get there I'm so happy to be back. We welcomed a new Principal, caught up on the holiday news and then got back into our respective work areas. 

Today I have some bright flowers to show you. I made a bunch of these recently, put them on the net and they all sold. I can see why too, they are very cute.

  Fun little hair ties for the little ladies.
 Now I have to do a little bragging. My clever husband made this white stand for me after I made a comment about seeing one on another blog. Thanks heaps Pixie, you did such a fantastic job on this.

 Dear God.....thank you for the rain, 
but please don't send us lightning. Thank you 🙏🙏
 A darling friend of mine has given me a bag (the size of Uluru) lol....full of beautiful fabrics. Thank you so much Jane, I can't believe all the lovely textured fabrics that I pulled out of this giant sized treasure trove.

 I went on a little spending spree too and found some magnificent fabrics and embellishments.So now with all this new stash, I will be whipping that poor old sewing machine of mine. I believe most of these materials will be turning into lovely bags. I can't wait to get cracking.

 I love seeing my sons happy and when their friends come over, I get such a warm feeling. These three guys have grown up together and remain friends today. I even consider them my family.
Corey, Jesse and Brandon

I'm happy to say that the rain has started up again and I really have to go outside and enjoy it. Our forecast is for rain all day and night. May you have a beautiful Sunday and a lovely week.
Ciao, Anita.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Always believe that something wonderful 
💕  is about to happen  💕

Good morning lovely ladies, I've had one of the best weeks and having a little sleep in this morning just tops it off. On Tuesday I celebrated my 55th 37th birthday (lol) and Heather the feather took me out to morning tea at our favourite cafe. As usual I had to keep check on Heather because she is naughty....and I'm the well behaved one 😏. I think we must've come across everyone in the world we know because we certainly had a good chat to many passers by. 
Friendship comes in many forms
Lovely Jane gave me a bag full of wonderful treasures in the form of small bright coathangers and big lengths of materials. Many thanks Jane, I love them. I was over the moon about the coathangers as they will come in handy at the markets and of course who doesn't get excited about fabric? lol
I hope you all have a nice hot cup of tea and join me as I show you what I have been up to in the craft scene.....

These are the  tea towels I have been making and selling, I am only just keeping up with demand. They are very handy and would not only be handy for the kitchen or bathroom but I'm thinking that perhaps I could make some for men's sheds?

I'm really very happy about how this bag turned out. I wanted to make a shoulder bag and had been given some excellent  quality denim. I combined a good heavy linen like print with the denim and.....

I added a sweet square button to the flap and inside I added a pocket for the phone and to hide the purse. Most seams are double stitched for extra durability and whoever purchases the bag will get themselves a well made bag that will last.

Now what is going on here? Hmmm.

Oh yes, I have been given small balls of yarn that probably wouldn't even do one round in a crocheted square, but none the less, nor could I throw it away. I decided that I could make flowers and attached them to the small cloth elastic bands for girls to tie their hair back. The centre of the flower is filled with a bright bead. Do you like them? I think they're sweet.

Now I only have three days left of my holidays and then back to work I go. I have had an awesome holiday and it's always groovy when you make a plan and stick to it. My plan was to use these holidays to produce new items for my stall and I'm happy with myself that it eventuated.

I am sending love and prayers to the people of Italy and hope lives can get back on track for those affected by the massive avalanche. I am glad that there have still been survivors found. Peace be with you.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.
Ciao, Anita.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Having real friends is better 
than having more friends.
I am certain that I am possibly the luckiest girl alive. I am surrounded by so many loving friends, and they bring happiness and joy with them when we meet. This week I was so happy to catch up with friends of mine, John and Jane, whom I hadn't seen for ages. What a beautiful catch up we had, such a strong feeling of 'belonging'. Love you two heaps.

My holiday time is chipping away slowly and even with the heat we have had, the progress in the yard is coming along nicely. This is the beginning of my "All roads lead to Rome" path, made from the stones from Neville and Chris....(more beautiful friends).

More work continues on my path as it will continue into the back section of my Italian area. Here I have pruned the Bougainvillea to just a single stem, as instructed by Harry and Anne.
I'm stoked at how the creeper is humming along too. Awesome!
I found this cute hanging light in Bunnings. At night time the light changes colours, it is lovely to watch as it turns.
lol...Milo is walking to Rome...and into mischief.
As you lovely ladies know....I never tease anyone. I made this little wall hanging using some leftover squares of pirate fabric and stitched the word 'Pirate' onto the top of it. There are little pockets to hide valuable treasures in it. I made this out of inspiration from the two pirates in my life from the gym. Did I mention the names Ian and Alan? lol
A while back I made some beanies and must have put them away somewhere special (forgetting all about them actually). I decided to dress them up a bit using some crocheted flowers. I'm so glad I had a go at learning to crochet.

Oh Milo is so precious
These are my latest creations and very handy indeed. Lovely hanging tea towels with crocheted tops. The orders for these little gems have gone through the roof.
  Another scrap project are pot holders with hanging tags on them.

 My wonderful neighbour Lorraine had no use for this yarn so she gave it to me. I immediately turned it all into winter header warmers for girls. I've tucked them away for next winter's stock.
I will share a few more photos of my plants.... Society garlic, growing nicely.

 The always beautiful Chain of hearts.  

Now my lovelies, hubby has just told me it's going to be a very hot day, so it's time to go out and water the garden before the heat sets in. Special kisses to Verbena and Ale, and to all my blogger friends.
Warm wishes and see you next time.
Ciao, Anita.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Happy birthday Heather.

Your life does not get better by chance,
It gets better by change.

Good morning wonderful world, good morning to everyone! Did you girls have a lovely week? I hope so. My week was pretty groovy I can say. Darling Heather the feather had a birthday on Friday and we went out to a local cafe to celebrate. Just look at that little face, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth? lol She could charm the dew right off the honeysuckle!!
I wish you all the best of everything Heather. Love you xx.
 I happened to mention to the lady at the cafe that it was Heather's birthday. So this is what she had done on Heather's plate. How lovely, thanks Sherree.
My beautiful week has been jam packed with creating, crocheting, knitting, relaxing and teasing having fun. On the advise of my darling niece Lisa, I decided to turn my hand at making some Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle beanies. I have no pattern but an eye for copying.
I used a basic beanie pattern and added a few rows of red, blue etc and then changed back to the green. Made up some eyes and a tie at the back of the beanie and there you have it.

I did a little tidying up time in my sewing shed and came across several beanies that I had knitted up ages ago and done nothing with. I decided to add some crocheted flowers to the side of the beanie and it really made it look lovely. I did say that over these holidays I would use the time to restock and I'm on target.
More booties are popping up as well. I had made several baby beanies before I remembered that someone had told me that people will often want a set of things, so instead of just knitting up a random pair of booties I now will make a beanie or a top to go with it. Good advise I must say.

I have also spent a ton of time in the garden these last few weeks, regardless of the heat we've had. I came across something so amazing that I thought I would share it with you. A little while back I posted about purchasing these beautiful pots and pedestals and I then planted cuttings of geraniums. So  these cuttings that have not been in the pots that long have grown and incredibly this is what I have found in them. Can you see the perfectly made Willy wagtail nest?
For my Italian bloggers, the Willy wagtail is a cheeky but protective bird here in Australia. When they have chicks they will attack anything,as all Mother's do!! lol It is quite something to see them swoop at birds twice their size, and even humans if you get too close.
I will show you some of my Italian garden and how it is growing. I want my bougainvillea to grow on a single stem, just as I had seen throughout Italy. This is a picture after I pruned the other branches away.
Peeking through the archway. The gap in the ground is where my Cypress tree no longer exists....thanks to Milo. But I have asked Anne and Harry for replacement plants.
Image result for italian clipart
Here is the culprit sniffing around the second bougainvillea plant. This plant is slightly taller than the other one and has flowers. Very pretty.
Well my dear friends, the day is young and I'm planning a mixed day. Before it gets too hot outside I plan to clear away the leaves that have fallen on my garden path and cut back a few branches that need tidying up. I plan to do some sewing today as well. 

I hope your day is filled doing all the things you love to do, and remember to make each day count.
Ciao, Anita. Image result for clip art hearts


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