Once you learn how to be happy, you won't tolerate being around people who make you feel anything less.

Good morning my lovelies. We are all very happy for Fedor Konyukhov as he completed his record breaking journey to circumnavigate the world in his hot air balloon. He shaved a couple of days off the existing record. How happy he must be and congratulations!! He didn't land in Northam but landed in a little place called Bonnie Rock.
Don't think your eye sight is doing tricks on you...you really are seeing 3 of the same cardigan. lol I have a knitting order for 12 baby cardigans and they are to be made in 3 different colours, 4 of each.
I don't know if any of you knitter's out there have ever used Paton's Big Baby yarn, but it is a good quality yarn. The stitches on my needles are for a light grey cardigan I am on to next. This is cardigan number 7. Not many to go now!!
Picot edging is always sweet and very relaxing to do.
More yarn purchased....this is Heather's fault, she bought it for me. lol
A little break from knitting and a trip to the local library to check out some fun books.
What is he up to?
More beautiful winter blooms. Ah...the world is a beautiful place. "Mum...this is not a sock, I have not chewed it up and I don't know who put it here or how it got here" .
To you all, have a wonderful day, be happy with the good things in life and enjoy doing wonderful things like your craft work or hobby of choice. Thanks for date night Pix.
Ciao, Anita.