First keep peace within yourself,
then you can also bring peace to
-Thomas á Kempis
I had such
a wonderful social week, catching up with many friends
and acquaintances I hadn’t seen in a long time. One visit I was really hanging
for was the get together with Maria from Life on the Block blog. I shot off in
the car with my partner-in-crime companion
Heather and drove over to a sleepy little
historical town and met up with Maria and her tribe of friends.
Here we
are, the three of us. Now......the villain on the left of your screen is Heather the feather (I’m
surprised her little horns and pokey tail were not visible), the lovely Maria....oh and that’s me on
the right of your screen (the innocent looking one) lol.
Maria & I
It was
lovely to catch up with you Maria, I had been
looking forward to it for so
long. Your tribe of patch working friends are truly fun ladies. Here they are
I had
mentioned to you before about the markets I was going to sell some of my goods
at, well that happened yesterday and what fun I had. Here is our little stall
being set up by Lynda.
A side
This is my
collection of handmade goods.
It was a
warm day with some lovely breeze coming through. Met some of the stall holders
next door and terrorized them with friendly fire. Lol I also met so many friends I hadn't seen for ages and lots of customers from when I worked at the local library. Lots of chatting and catching up all day. Super!!
happy with my sales and will be attending the next market too.
I have
almost finished my big knitting project to show you for next time....well the
first part of it anyway. Lol
Stay happy
and I’ll be back next week.
Cheers, Anita.