Springtime 🌺
One of my favourite seasons in the year would have to be Spring. There's so much happening in the garden with the colours of the rainbow popping up all over the place, the crispness of the cold winter morning dulling down and the lovely sounds of the bird chatter. The sunrise is coming earlier and earlier, a good indication in the change of the season. Oh...the only thing about the sun rising earlier is that our gym instructor will be opening the side gate at the gym and we will have to start running around the establishment. 😭😭😂
I've been on holidays the past week and the op shops have had several visits from me. I love looking for little bargains and treasures that others no longer require. This week I found a whole case of embroidery threads, new baby yarn and another interesting textured yarn. All of these things make me pretty happy.
What makes you happy?
During my break from work I have done several knitting and crochet projects that you've seen before so I won't show them again, but I have been commissioned to make a bride and groom knitted doll pair. Here is the bride on the make and I intend to have this finished by this weekend. I have the groom knitted up but not sewn up.
This is not a very clear photo, but these are pairs of finger less mitts to fit adults and children. The colour is actually very pretty but it does not show up well here.
So even though I have made much in the way of craftwork, I have nothing new to show you, so how about a walk through my garden with me? Gardening is one of my other loves. Come walk with me.... This is the side of our house with the morning sun peeking through 😊
My front door, a place I love to just look at because I know all the love that is behind that door.
My backyard is filling with vegetables growing in pots and my ever expanding geranium patch(es). Geranium are everywhere in the yard.
Not only does our yard have the Italian touch, there is also a little Greek corner, dedicated to one of my gym instructors.🍷
The little patch below is slowly collecting the blue and white colours of the Greek flag. This is another nice little place we all love to sit and ponder.Now back to the Italian look 💖
Oh no.......it's Milo!!!!!! 🐕
My bougainvillea plants have grown to this height but have grown no more. I'm not sure why this is. If any of my Italian friends can give me some idea how to encourage the height to improve, I would love your advise. My bougainvillea is growing on one stem so all the flowers grown high instead of growing as a bush.
Milo insisted on joining me on my garden walk today and the look on his face when I took a photo of him is priceless. It's almost as if he's saying 'Don't take my photo when I'm standing near flowers.'
I have taken after my mother in so many ways but my sense of humour has to be the strongest trait she gave me. My Mum was such a little teaser....in the nicest possible way 😂. This morning I found this weird looking thing on the floor. I picked it up only to discover that it was a false eyelash. 😨 My son and his partner now have a cat and it decided to steal Emma's eyelash and play with it. Apparently cats don't clean up after themselves so they leave things on the floor.'
Of course.....I have to make a big deal out of it. lol
For my Italian friends, the message says: Lost property. Go to claims department to collect. Oggetti smarriti. Vai al reparto reclami per riscuotere.
My last photos of the back entry to our yard. You are greeted with hanging plants just waiting to grow and burst into colour.
So.....lovely people, I sign off now to go and start doing a few jobs before I get stuck into finishing the knitted bride and groom dolls. I hope that wherever you all are in the world, the restrictions in your country are easing up and there is a little more freedom for you to travel or at least go out in your community.
Ciao, Anita.
How lovely you are enjoying your school holidays and beautiful springtime. Fabulous you have been fossicking for treasures in the op shops. Anita, your garden is looking as pretty as a picture. All the flowers and plants are flourishing and are putting on a glorious show.
Great to see you having fun in the hols and got some great pick up in the oppie...
Your garden is looking fabulous and I see Milo is also enjoy it.
You must really enjoy your garden at this time of year before the Summer heat hits. Everything looks so pretty and fresh. Good to know you are enjoying your holiday break.
Ciao Anita! sono estasiata nel vedere i tuoi fiori, le tue piante varie, le tue pietre, sassi e mattoni messi a regola d'arte (io adoro sassi, pietre e mattoni) mi piace proprio tutto. Complimenti anche per i tuoi lavori si vede la passione che metti in tutto quello che fai. Milo mi piace troppo, vorrei darle qualche carezza mi è tanto simpatico! Invidio la tua meritata primavera, qui purtroppo non siamo messi troppo bene con quel mostro di "covid" e con l'inverno alle porte, certo non abbiamo davanti belle prospettive.... speriamo in meglio. Purtroppo io ho dovuto chiudere momentaneamente il mio blog con dispiacere ma non ho potuto fare altro.... speriamo di riaprirlo.
Ora ti lascio e ti saluto con tanto affetto,
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