Sunday, March 29, 2020

Individually we are a drop,  
but together we are an ocean 💜

Hello there beautiful people, it is lovely to catch up with you all. Many things are going on in the world right now, and I want you to stay strong. I've kept doing the things I love, staying home and creating beautiful things to surround myself with positive things.

It is more than possible to splash our lives with colour in the things we make and always push forward. I have made this right out there, bright, fun circle vest, fit for a little girl. I did visit good old Pinterest for some ideas and to be honest, this is loosely made on a photo I saw but there were no instructions. 😂😂😂😂 You can close the front of it with one big button. I love the ruffled look.

My creativity has not been limited to the crocheting but also my sewing machine took a belting as well. I made these two cute little koala soft toys just because I wanted to.

 Oh yes......and the sticky beak was there to investigate everything.🐕🐕

As I had a few little bits of yarn left over, they had to turn into a messy bun hat for a small girl. The flower is groovy!

This year my plan was to make neck warmer's as people had been asking about them, so I've made more to add to my collection for the coming winter.⛄⛄⛄

Just to make your day.... Milo

The town I live in has decided to make things as positive for children and ourselves, and we've started up a 'Find the toy in the yard' game. Children can look out of their windows to see if they can spot a toy in people's yards. Each day we move the toys, or add new ones, just for fun.

Right now, my project is another circle vest and I can't wait to show it to you but you will have to wait until next time. I'm a little brat. lol Stay strong and stay healthy. Love you people!!!💜💛💙💚

Ciao, Anita.


Kim said...

Well, if you imagined the pattern from a photo, then of course it is yours. =) What the world needs now is a lot of happy, sunshiny colors, and you, lovely Anita, have splashed my day with joyous, rainbow-filled chromaticity. Keep well, lovely lady.

Stefania said...

Ciao Anita, lo scialle è bellissimo e super colorato, perfetto per essere abbinato con la cuffia.
Mi piacciono molto anche gli scaldacollo e i pupazzi a froma di Koala.
Bellissima l'idea che avete avuto nel vostro paese di far giocare i bambini a cerca il giocattolo, molto originale e utile per fargli passare un pò di tempo in questi giorni così tristi.

Julie said...

Everything looks lovely & colourful today Anita. I think Milo might need his own koala toy by the look on his face. I adore those neck warmers - that wool looks so soft & cosy. What a great idea with the Hide the toys - I would like to play that game. Take care - stay safe. xx

Karen S said...

That is lovely to see your town doing special things for the children. I think all these little things will be what helps us get through this.
Lovely to see all the colour in your crochet and stitching.
And i am glad Milo continues to entertain.
Take care.

Meredith said...

I love how your town always does special things in times of stress. I LOVE those wee koalas, they are perfect! Stay safe and well.


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